Saturday, October 9, 2010

Animas High School Weekly Update- Week of Oct. 11th, 2010

Wow….Can you believe those 9th grade Humanities students in Mr. Fisher’s class? I want to thank everyone who joined us at the Strater Hotel Thursday night to help kick off Durango Heritage Days and see our students present their sociology projects. Watching the students prepare for their event, we knew they were going to do well. But, their efforts last Thursday surpassed all of our expectations and we want to let everyone know how proud we are of their success! They definitely have set the bar high for future exhibition events this year (which, based upon our students’ excitement, will be happening again next week.)

It’s been an extremely full week here at campus and we’re now into a three day weekend. In order to keep our communication timely and consistent, please review the following updates:

Unmasked- Part 2
Mountain Biking Ospreys
2011 Project Week
Belize Project Week Trip
Election Season
Social Networks

Unmasked- Part 2

Although only Mr. Fisher’s 9th students were involved with Thursday evening’s event, there is the want by our students to do more! Mrs. McCallum’s Humanities classes have advocated the need for their own exhibition event. Listening to those student voices and seeing their excitement around their first project made the decision to sponsor this impromptu exhibition an easy one. We are inspired by the students desire to present their work to the community and we’d love to see you next Thursday night, from 6 to 8 pm at the Durango Rec. Center.

Mountain Biking Ospreys

Who would have guessed that Animas High School’s first foray into the realm of high school athletics would prove so successful. Congrats Ospreys on a winning team and your 5th place standing in the CO High School MTB Series. Special shout out to AHS 9th grader India Waller who’s placed second in the last two races for Animas. All of our student athletes are performing well and your efforts and commitment to your team and your school are commendable. Be sure to check all the great recent press surrounding the team’s success:

October 8th, Durango Herald Article:
India Waller blasts her way downhill for the Ospreys: ;

2011 Project Week

Project Week will take place February 28th through March 4th, 2011. The purpose of this week is to provide the AHS student body with a wide variety of projects that are scholastic in nature, involve some sort of tangible outcome/service opportunity and allow students to participate in educational experiences outside of the classroom. Projects are designed with a wide variety of objectives, subject areas and price points in mind. There will be local, low cost options and more expensive national and international offerings. Regardless of the trip/project, AHS is confident that all students will benefit from this unique and challenging week. Participation in Project Week is mandatory and we’re excited to help students find an experience that suits them best. The entire line-up of Project Week offerings will be distributed to students in the upcoming week. Look for more updates related to specific trips/projects in future email updates, on our homepage and on the HOS blog and AHS Facebook page.

Belize Project Week Trip

It has come to our attention that parents have many questions regarding the Belize Project Week Trip. Do not fear, Lori has the answers you are looking for!
Lori will be holding a mandatory informational parent and student meeting on Thursday, October 14 from 5:00-6:00, in her classroom. This meeting is a requirement for any students who are interested in going on this trip and is timed so that students and families can also attend the Thurs. evening Exhibition event at the Rec. Center. At this meeting, we will go over the following topics:

1. Cost breakdown
2. Trip itinerary and activities
3. Trip provider
4. Requirements for students
5. Payment schedule
6. Fundraising options and structures
7. Date of no return

Please come with any questions you and your student may have about the trip—We look forward to seeing you there! In the meantime, please ask your student to show you the informational packet I sent home with them this week. It contains a great deal of information, and may be helpful in guiding conversations you and your child may have about this trip option.

If you need to contact Lori before the meeting, please email her at

Election Season

As we get closer to the November 2nd mid-term elections, there appears to be many candidates and proposed legislation related to Charter Schools. Please check out the following links to discover how our local legislators vying for office feel about Schools of Choice.
Senate Race, District 6:
HOR Race, District 59:

Social Networks

Join Animas High School online for all the up to the second happenings at 3206 Main. Check us out at:!/pages/Animas-High-School/129694133734262