Animas High School
9th Grade Sociology Exhibition
Thursday October 7,2010 from 6 to 8 pm at the Strater Hotel
Our 9th graders have time traveled from the Victorian era to the present and designed advice guides to help create a more polite modern society .
9th Grade Sociology Exhibition
Thursday October 7,2010 from 6 to 8 pm at the Strater Hotel
Our 9th graders have time traveled from the Victorian era to the present and designed advice guides to help create a more polite modern society .
They have also designed identity masks and written personal essays discussing how socializing forces have shaped who they are.
Please join us this evening and ask the students about their projects. They are excited to share what they have created and learned.
Many appreciations to Through the Lens Photography and
the La Plata Electric Foundation for their support.