Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thanks to everyone who lent a hand and participated in this year’s Snowdown Light Parade with Animas High School. Our 60 foot float and a collection of almost thirty students, faculty and AHS families had a grand time dancing to Beach Boy tunes, handing out candy to the crowd and participating in Friday evening’s festivities. A special thank you to Julie Harrison for heading up this year’s efforts….We couldn’t have pulled off such a fantastic experience without Julie’s leadership, bottomless positivity and her spacious home garage! This marked the second year in a row that AHS has participated in the light parade and we look forward to a monstrous good time next year!

In this week’s update, please find:

PAC Meeting
NWEA Testing Continues
AHS is College Prep!

PAC Meeting

Monday, February 1st at 12:00 PM at AHS is the next PAC meeting. Thanks to all the parents and families that continue to share feedback with the school and participate in monthly PAC meetings. PAC will distribute meeting minutes to all later this week. All questions and concerns can be forwarded to pac@animashighschool.com

NWEA Testing Continues

In response to student feedback, we have continued NWEA testing into this week. The students expressed a desire to spread our NWEA testing out over more days so that they are fresh and sharp for each day’s testing. Although faculty are focused on “getting the testing done” so as not to lose valuable time in our core classes, we also thought the students had a valuable point. We will continue with remaining testing in the afternoons this week. This will allow us to stay on track in the mornings and not overwhelm our students with entire days devoted to standardized testing. Great feedback students-Way to advocate for yourselves!

CSAPs are in March and this round of NWEA data should give AHS a clear idea as to how our students will perform on the state’s exam.

AHS is College Prep!

A new year, a new website, some new resources! I wanted to bring to your attention our new website and a very important link found there: http://www.animashighschool.com/OurParents/collegePrep.php

Here you’ll find a resource that outlines how an Animas High School education meets basic college prerequisites and also provides parents with some “Commonly Asked Questions” related to AHS’s College Prep Program. Please note that all of our students are immersed in a rigorous academic program that has been designed to prepare them for a wide array of post secondary options. Also, AHS has actively sought guidance and direction from college and university admissions departments in designing our curriculum and scholastic expectations.

We are confident that successful graduates from Animas High School will have every opportunity students attending a more traditional high school will have. We are excited to share this information with you and we welcome any questions or concerns you may have. Please familiarize yourself with this document and forward any thoughts you may have related to your student’s college readiness to our attention!