Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Durango Herald- Letter to the Editor 2-9-10

'Community' includes more than DHS
Article Last Updated; Tuesday, February 09, 2010 12:00AM

We want to make a slight correction to the letter by Lynn Brown (Herald, Feb. 3) regarding Durango High School as our “community school of choice." The term community includes everyone, and DHS is not the only high school in town.

Although we are happy for her that she is pleased with DHS, it is one of several choices for students in the Durango area, including home schooling, Big Picture High School and Animas High School. Just like religion and politics, there is no “one-size-fits-all" for education. Each of these options offers something different, allowing students to participate in an educational experience that maximizes their potential.

DHS is but one of those options, and calling it the “community school of choice" is inaccurate. It traditionally has been the community school by default, not by choice.

As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure our children have the best chance for success and receive a quality education, just as it is for Brown. We would encourage any parent with a student entering high school to become informed about all the available options. Classroom time is spent at the middle schools informing students about DHS and Big Picture. Unfortunately, Animas High School has not been allowed to participate in that process, so students and parents must educate themselves.

We attended an AHS information session recently and were thoroughly impressed with its curriculum and passion. It may not be for every child, but it is worth becoming an informed parent instead of letting the district decide what is best for your child.

We are very fortunate to be a “community of choices." Let's give our kids all the information to make the right choice based on their individuality - and support them as a community with the choice they make.

Randy and Kathy Black, Durango

A Copy of Mrs. Brown's LTE can be found below: (I've taken the liberty of highlighting language that we all now seem to be using...."a rising tide lifts all boats"

DHS our community school of choice
Article Last Updated; Wednesday, February 03, 2010 12:34AM

I am so proud to live in a community that provides our young people with such an outstanding high school. The Jan. 25 open house for incoming ninth-graders at Durango High School was informative and inspiring for a new parent with valid concerns.

Touring the foreign language department with teachers dressed in native clothing, discussing the wide range of math options with excited teachers, touring the video-production lab, multifitness gym, woodworking, welding, band and culinary arts kitchen, along with classrooms that offer a variety of rigorous study was reassuring for a parent with a child starting their high school career.

Academically challenging, hands-on, open-door, community involvement and diversity are just a few of the phrases that sum up Durango High School.

I have a son who will graduate this spring from DHS, and he is more than prepared to face the academic and social or emotional challenges he will face in college and the world of work. The diversity of students at DHS has allowed him to adapt to unique environments and work and live with others who have different goals and ambitions. The diversity of class offerings has helped him with college options and career choices.

Thanks to the superb teachers and administrators at DHS, many young people will have experienced project-based classes ranging from mathematics and physics to welding, woodworking, culinary arts, yoga and multi-fitness; the choices are endless.
Durango High School is our community school of choice, one that has so much to offer to so many.

To the faculty and staff of DHS, who always have poured their heart and soul into every young individual in our community, thank you! You have and will continue to make a lasting difference in the young people of Durango.

Lynn Brown, Durango