Tuesday, June 30, 2009

2009-2010 AHS School Calendar

School Calendar FYI - We’ve received a few phone calls regarding the school calendar that came out in this week’s Head of School update. We have posted a larger version of the calendar separately on the blog for you to open and print. We also will have it up on our homepage soon!

We’ve fielded questions about the timing of our project and spring break weeks. Yes, your student’s Spring Break lines up with local high school breaks! In year one, our spring break will be two weeks long. Please realize that AHS will be expanding its project week offerings over the next three years. In year one however, we anticipate a smaller collection of optional, projects and trips to be offered. These experiences will be scheduled somewhere within that two week recess but will not be finalized until students and staff weigh in with their interests and ideas.
So, in short, AHS students will have a longer spring break year one. We have set aside that time in the schedule to honor the fact that we’ll be designing our calendar like this in future school years regardless of what we offer year one. Spring Break will always piggyback Project Week. We are trying to offer the very best programming for our students and we are excited to see how we fill the project week time in years two and three. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these dates, please contact our Head of School Michael Ackerman at michael@animashighschool.com.